Wide Area Pondering

input -> filter -> output

Thursday, September 15, 2005

EuroSys Doctoral Workshop 2005

In the fame and glory department, I have also been very lucky to get invited to the first EuroSys Doctoral Workshop in connection with the SOSP 20. Two fellow PhD students here in Tromsø, Steffen V. Valvaag and Håvard Johansen, has also been invited. Steffen is doing a talk in the workshop, Håvard and I are just invited to sit silent and enjoy the show! :)

Looking forward.


My visit to Seoul was really great, a good conference with many good papers and clever, friendly participants. My presentation in pdf version is here. The final paper has not yet been published, neither in paper or digitally. Hopefully, this should happen soon.

Based on that article, I have now been invited to contribute to a journal; the International Journal of Web Services Practices (IJWSP). This would surely be a good opportunity for me to expand the paper and get good feedback on the way.